Saturday 15 September 2012

VAT on Self Storage

As you may or may not be aware, self storage has always been exempt from VAT, which means that there has been no VAT on our prices.

However, earlier in this year as part of the 2012 Budget, the Government announced that this would change and that from the 1st October 2012, they will start charging VAT on self storage.

It does unfortunately mean that from the 1st October, our prices will increase to accommodate this extra tax.

If you are already a customer of ours, you should have received a letter detailing the change and letting you know how this affects you.

Please be assured that this is totally out of our control and that all self storage providers across the country are in exactly the same position.

If you would like to discuss this matter further please contact us:

Chorley: 01257 271103
Leyland: 01772 451919

More information on this can be found on the HM Revenue & Customs website, accessible by clicking this link.

Thank you for your understanding.